COVID-19: News and updates for our creatives
Important websites
Rijksoverheid (Government)
Frequently asked questions about the consequences of the coronavirus for the cultural sector can be found at
Kamer van Koophandel (Chamber of Commerce)
On the website of the Chamber of Commerce you can find a lot of information about the various schemes available
to entrepreneurs:
Gemeente Amsterdam (Municipality of Amsterdam)
Information about the general policy of the municipality of Amsterdam can be found at:
There is a special page for entrepeneurs: 'Rental rights for entrepreneurs during corona'.
Due to the corona crisis, many entrepreneurs can no longer pay the rent for their business premises. Read what you can do and what your rights and obligations are:
De Kunstenbond (union)
Useful information can be found on the website for artists and creatives:
Current news about corona and the cultural sector can also be followed via the Boekman Foundation. They publish current items about the consequences of the virus for various companies in the cultural sector:
Fonden (Funds)
Various funds (eg Mondiaan Fonds, AFK, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Fonds Podium Kunsten etc) share information on their websites, including about the situation regarding current applications.
Do you have other questions or would you like to discuss something with us? Do not hesitate to contact us. You can, ofcourse get in touch with your own rental-coordinator or via or call us on 020 6937575.
Is there anything else we can add to this list? Let us know! Sen us an email: Give us a ‘like’ on Facebook and stay informed of our latest news.
Urban Resort cannot be held responsible for any errors in the published information.