Natascha Frid is an artist, art-therapist and art teacher. At HW10 you can therefor come visit her studio if your interested in buying or making visual art.
If you want to learn yourself how to express via paint, chalk etc. you will do so in a workshop (anywhere) or in her classes in her studio. Offcourse you’ll learn about most technics (charcoal, acrylic paint, linoprints) subjects (model, still-life, fantasy) and materials, but you will also get to know yourself better and grow psychically through the common artreflection and individual coaching. Max 8 persons per class.
Mondayafternoon painting and drawing courses for 6-12 years and in the evening for adults.
Wednesday’s 6-12 year KunstKlub will learn your child to be sociable and responsable through lunch and games, to respect the environment (I use mostly recycled materials) and be proud of its own creativity needed to make beautiful, personal things oneself.
childrens classes free for low incomes – ask for more information
In her own art Natascha changed from extremely different genres and subjects to a more specific expressive artform. Her paintings are lately mostly in oil and reflect how she starts raw intuitively before she puts more structured layers on top which result in captivating, colourful paintings.