Workshop: A taste of the Work That Reconnects
Op 4 november geeft Manon Danker bij Tugela85 een workshop over het terugvinden van onze connectie op aarde en hoe de band te vergroten tussen mens en natuur:
The Earth is a great source of strength. How do you stay connected with the wonder of life when it is so threatened? The possibility is real that we are overwhelmed by the exhaustion of Earth. That we cannot truly look at what is happening and close ourselves off as a way to protect ourselves. How do you stay connected and hopeful so you can be present for what is needed to restore the relationship between humanity and Earth?
The Work That Reconnects is a powerful group method developed by Joanna Macy, eco-philosopher
During this afternoon I share an introduction and will explain the main principles of the Work That Reconnects. Together we will share some practices.
About me, Manon Danker:
I am a sociologist and environmentalis
For more information about the Work That Reconnects, see the documentary Widening Circles: https://
Language: English/ Dutch (depending on the participants)
Exchange: €15.-, please bring exact cash at the meeting, thank you!