The Tag Conference 2018
The Tag Conference is an academic event focused on the study of graffiti tagging. It will gather over twenty lecturers from all over the world to discuss the history and nature of tags. The Tag Conference welcomes the participation of non-scholars and is free-access to anyone interested.
The first Tag Conference showed there is a growing body of research being produced around name writing, but its two days of lectures barely scratched the surface of this largely underexplored field. This is why we are happy to announce this second Tag Conference, a new opportunity to conceptually frame contemporary tagging and to study it alongside its abundant historical antecedents.
The conference once again provides space for the discussion of a wide range of topics, such as the study of tagging as a form of calligraphy, tagging’s role as a device for understanding the environment, the history and folklore of past and present tagging cultures, and the relation of tagging with other forms of graphic communication in public space.
On the days directly after the conference, and also in Amsterdam, the same team behind Tag welcomes you to the Unlock Book Fair, the fair for graffiti and street art publications.
Source: The Tag Conference