The Skin of Our Teeth – Performance by Act Attack | Broedplaats Lely
Zondag 10 maart | 19:00-21:00 | Aula @ Broedplaats Lely
Act Attack Theatre proudly presents:
*********The Skin of Our Teeth by Thornton Wilder***********
Directed by Joana Nicolaas Ponder
Follow the story of the Antrobus family as they live through an ice age, a great flood and a devastating war!
Join us in this wobbly mammoth of a play by Thornton Wilder that tackles the history of mankind, catastrophe and love!
– Admission: Pay as you like
– Recommended price: 5 EU
– Proceeds will partially go to a non-profit theatre project for people with autism—>
– Max capacity of seats: 200
– Drinks & food available at the MixTree bar in front of the show
– Doors open at 18.30
See you all there!!!
Source: Act Attack