Lecture: Curating Strategies of Productive Refusal – Gabi Ngcobo | De Appel
Wednesday 6 February | 19:00 – 20:30 | Rijksacademie
Please join on De Appel on Wednesday, 6 February, from 19:00 – 20:30 for a lecture with curator, educator, and artist Gabi Ngcobo. Doors open at 18:45. Tickets are available at bit.ly/LectureGabiNgcobo
During a two-day event Gabi Ngcobo will discuss refusal as a curatorial strategy as employed in her collaborative projects. These include Nothing Gets Organised – NGO, Center for Historical Reenactments (CHR, 2010–14) and the 10th Berlin Biennale: We Don’t Need Another Hero, which resisted the desire for a single heroic conclusion in favor of embracing complexity. Herein, refusal is applied as a strategy to challenge the uptake of assigned or inherited responsibilities that keep certain people in roles whereby they are expected to explain to those who have the privilege not to know.
The first session will take shape in the form of an evening lecture at Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, where Ngcobo is also advisor.
We are absolutely ending this, 2012. Courtesy of CHR.
Source: De Appel