I am a tool of gentrification. West – screening and performances
23 May | 19:00 - 22:00 | HW10
Welkom op de première van I am a tool of gentrification. West van Lyuba Matyunina.
Lyubov Matyunina onderzoekt in de korte experimentele documentaireserie I am a tool of gentrification welke rol kunstenaars spelen bij gebiedsontwikkeling en hoe deze processen niet alleen de markt, maar ook de creatieve sector kunnen voeden. De film wordt doorlopend vertoond.
Vanaf 19.00 uur serveert Lokaal 01 een eenvoudig diner voor een paar euro (cash only). Vanaf 20.00 uur: live muziek performances.
I am a tool of gentrification bestaat uit drie delen: Amsterdam-Noord, -Centrum en -West. Alle edities zijn vanaf 24 mei tot en met 30 juni te zien bij LIMA in de kelder van LAB111 van 24 mei tot en met 30 juni.
Adres: Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10 Amsterdam
Social Capital
I am a tool of gentrification is onderdeel van het meerjarige kunstprogramma Social Capital, een initiatief van TAAK en LIMA media art platform. Amsterdam breidt zich razendsnel uit. Het publieke domein komt daarmee steeds verder onder druk te staan. Hoe kunnen we, ondanks regelgeving, monocultuur en vermarkting, de openbare ruimte nog blijven zien als plek voor verbeelding en avontuur? Social Capital zoekt naar antwoorden met interventies, presentaties, workshops, performances en video’s, geprogrammeerd op onverwachte locaties in verschillende stadsdelen in Amsterdam.
Social Capital is tot stand gekomen dankzij bijdragen van Mondriaan Fonds, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst en Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Noord-Holland.
Please join us for the première of I am a tool of gentrification. West by Lyuba Matyunina.
Lyubov Matyunina investigates in this experimental documentary the role played by artists in area development and how processes of gentrification can nurture not only the market but also the creative sector. She noted that artists often play a central role in gentrification processes but eventually have to clear the field. Could artists also permanently fulfill social functions in neighbourhoods, she wonders. And, could city development not only be profitable to the market, but also to the creative sector? These questions form the starting point for a series of experimental documentaries in different parts of Amsterdam in which Matyunina investigates the complexity of gentrification, but also speculates on positive alternatives for the art and artists.
The Amsterdam-West edition will focus on broedplaatsen like Broedplaats Lely, WOW and HW10 and analyses the functioning of theses place in neighbourhoods were housing price are rapidly rising.
Lokaal 01 will serve a simple dinner. (cash only)
Address: Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10 Amsterdam
>>> I am a tool of gentrification consists of three parts: Amsterdam-North, Center and West. All editions are on view from May 24 to June 30 at LIMA in the basement of LAB111.<<<
About Social Capital #2
I am a tool of gentrification is part of Social Capital, a multi-year programma by TAAK and LIMA media art platform. Amsterdam is expanding rapidly because of economic and social forces. As a result, the public domain is under increasing pressure. Despite regulations, monoculture and commodification, how can we continue to see public space as a place for imagination and adventure? To address this question, TAAK launched Social Capital in september 2018 consisting of interventions, presentations, workshops, performances, videos and installations at unexpected locations in various Amsterdam neighbourhoods.
More info about I am a tool of gentrification: http://www.taak.me/activity/i-am-a-tool-of-gentrification-west-lyubov-matyunina/
Social Capital #2 Amsterdam-West is supported by the Mondriaan Fund, the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, and the Prins Bernhard Culture Fund Noord-Holland. With thanks to LAB111, HW10 and De Hallen.