Dance film LAB no. 6
February 24 | 13:00-17:00 | Burg. de Vlugtlaan 125 @ Broedplaats de Vlugt
Dance Film LAB is a practical session for exploring the relationship between choreography/movements and film/video initiated by dance filmmaker Maia Elisabeth Sørensen. The LAB is open to professional artists or art students working within all variety of art forms, who are curious about how physical movements in combination with video/film can be used as the main motor of an art work.
The session is divided in three parts:
1. The designated LAB leader gives an introduction to his or her research and sets a task based on a question from the research.
2. The LAB participants explore the task in smaller groups.
3. All results are shared in a feedback session.
The purpose of the LAB is to practice and collaborate with artists from different fields.
Dance film LAB no. 6 will be led by the current guest artist at Goleb – Kristina Daurova.
Kristina Daurova
Kristina Daurova is a Russian origin artist based in Amsterdam. She is an independent filmmaker with a background in choreography and performance. In 2017 Kristina has graduated from the Master of Film programme in The Netherlands Film Academy. Her current artistic research “Documentary movement” contains the work with physical memory, body language and personal archives/memories. Kristina explores different ways, forms and formats of storytelling through the body and movement.
Dance Film Lab #6 will be dedicated to our typical gestures and movements. Can we tell about ourselves without words? What is the meaning hidden in our daily movements? Together we will try to find a way to represent a “typical me” within a cinematographic frame.
Sign up
In order to keep a productive and constructive session the LAB is limited to 12 participants. If you wish to participate SIGN UP before FEBRUARY 20 by sending an email
NOTE: Bring your own camera (iPhone cameras are also welcome, doesn’t need to be fancy) and laptop. If you don’t have any equipment to bring, you can pair up with another participant who has.