Sound Expriment 761 miles per hour II | MixTree
Sound is a traveler. Sound is a commuter. It can go around corners. Leak through a tiny hole. It can populate any volume, as it has no sense of proportion. And so we don’t expect it to stop once it reaches the outer ear.
We want to welcome you on board a rolling sonic event. This is a second edition where artists and musicians from Amsterdam, Sweden, Belgium and France will share their performances, voices and music in a program that dedicates itself to sound experimentation and direct interaction with public.
Performance, sound & music by:
Alina Ozerova (Amsterdam) – sound installation
Maria Lepistö (Sweden) – audiovisual performance
Ioana Mandrescu (Brussels) – live sound performance
Miyuki Inoue (Amsterdam) – site specific singing project
Arzu Saglam (Brussels) – audiovisual presentation
Seb el Zin (Amsterdam/Paris) with live-set of his latest electronic album ‘Grand Bazar’
When: December 16th, Sunday, 17:00 till 20:30
Location: MixTree, Broedplaats LELY, Schipluidenlaan 12
Doors open at 17:00
Source: MixTree